News and Updates

July 2004 Newsletter

July Minutes By Kevin Menegus, SecretarySaturday, July 17th. 6:15, meeting began with introduction by co-presidentMichael Brroughs. Voting ballots were passed along, and the new board for the next year will be announced the following newsletter.Announcements were made by Brian Hitchcock about his experiences with a pilot video shoot he did […]

July Minutes

By Kevin Menegus, Secretary Saturday, July 17th. 6:15, meeting began with introduction by co-presidentMichael Brroughs. Voting ballots were passed along, and the new board for the next year will be announced the following newsletter. Announcements were made by Brian Hitchcock about his experiences with a pilot video shoot he did […]

June 2004 Newsletter

Presidents Message, By Randal MetzHello everyone. This is the last month of my term as your President. At this time, I would like to discuss with you how well I feel the year has gone. When our current board took over, we had 3-5 members attending the last few meetings […]

Presidents Message

By Randal Metz Hello everyone. This is the last month of my term as your President. At this time, I would like to discuss with you how well I feel the year has gone. When our current board took over, we had 3-5 members attending the last few meetings in […]

Minutes from May Meeting

By Michael Burroughs, Vice President In May, the Guild met at Fort Mason; next to the San Francisco Bay. 22 members attended; including one member who drove down from Eureka. The meeting focussed on “Birthday Parties and the Business Side of Puppetry.” Elisheva Hard, Lettie Schubert, Nick Barone, and Kevin […]

Special Note

Starting in July, the guild will be under new leadership. This is your last chance to offer your name for the posts of President, vice president or secretary. If interested please contact Michael Burroughs at Mikeafter6 as soon as possible.

May 2004 Newsletter

Special Note Starting in July, the guild will be under new leadership. This is your last chance to offer your name for the posts of President, vice president or secretary. If interested please contact Michael Burroughs at Mikeafter6 as soon as possible. June Meeting THERE IS NOT ANY JUNE MEETING […]

June Meeting

THERE IS NOT ANY JUNE MEETING OF THE S.F.B.A.P.G. Please remember that our bi-annual regional festival will be held in Arizona. For complete information on this exciting regional event, please look at New and exciting features are being added to this festival daily. It promises to be a “memory-maker”.

Guild Minutes

(supplied by The Puppet Company) Our Annual Day of Puppetry was held last month at the San Leandro Library. The whole event lasted from 12:00 noon to 9:00 pm. The day was very successful with the guild bringing in revenues of $453.00 from sales of tickets and raffle tickets. With […]

President's Message

Well, the year has certainly flown by fast. I can’t believe what we have accomplished. The guild has pulled together fabulously and is on an upward path guaranteed to generate new members and interests in the puppet world. Next month is my last meeting as your president. And….I’m sorry to […]

April 2004

President’s Message, Well, the March meeting was a huge success. Thanks to Talib and Olivia Huff of Tinker’s Coin Production and Michael and Valerie Nelson of Magical Moonshine Puppets. Their shows were first rate and took us from a simple and classy production using just mime and sound effects to […]

President's Message

Well, the March meeting was a huge success. Thanks to Talib and Olivia Huff of Tinker’s Coin Production and Michael and Valerie Nelson of Magical Moonshine Puppets. Their shows were first rate and took us from a simple and classy production using just mime and sound effects to the exotic […]

Special Note

If you are a member of the Puppeteers of America, please renew by the end of April, beginning of May. If you do so, you dues will be the former $40. If you renew beginning of June, the cost will increase to $50. Save now and renew!

May Meeting

Saturday, May 22. 6:30 to 10:00 at Fort Mason in San Francisco. Building C, Room 205. Please mark your calendar. The meeting will feature performances and everyday challenges a birthday party puppeteer might encounter.

Minutes from the March Meeting

Submitted by Michael Burroughs 24 Guild members attended the March meeting in Sonoma. Special thanks to Lee Armstrong for hosting this successful meeting at Images in Motion’s Studio. The Regional is coming up in Arizona, the last weekend of June. There will be no June meeting of the guild. Please […]