Minutes from the March Meeting

Submitted by Michael Burroughs
24 Guild members attended the March meeting in Sonoma. Special thanks to Lee Armstrong for hosting this successful meeting at Images in Motion’s Studio.
The Regional is coming up in Arizona, the last weekend of June. There will be no June meeting of the guild. Please look at www.azpuppetfest.com for schedules and applications for this great event. Rooms are limited at the Resort Hotel, so sign up now!
The Guild web site is now up and running thanks to Matt Baume. www.SFBAPG.org.
Patty Wick has volunteered to take over publication of our monthly newsletter. Michael Burroughs is working out the details with her and we hope to have the new issues out in the next months or so.
The SFBAPG is looking for a new President, Vice President, Secretary and so on for next year. If interested please contact Randal Metz at Puppetcom at hotmail dot com.
Any upcoming event notices please email to Mary Decker at marydeck at earthlink dot net for email publication. Calender listings please send to Mary and Matt Baume at Iknowwhatimdoing at hotmail dot com