July Minutes

By Kevin Menegus, Secretary
Saturday, July 17th. 6:15, meeting began with introduction by co-presidentMichael Brroughs. Voting ballots were passed along, and the new board for the next year will be announced the following newsletter.
Announcements were made by Brian Hitchcock about his experiences with a pilot video shoot he did recently with “Muppet” style puppets. Also, Kevin Menegus spoke briefly about a music video that he and Kamela Portuges had manipulated marionettes for. The puppets were made by Images in Motion. You can see it at retinasf.com by clicking on the video entitled “Facing that Void.”
New business was addressed concerning the upcoming Puppet Fair at Fairyland. Old business included the recent meeting of the board to devide on the coming years events, and the likes/dislikes of the recent years events. A committee will be formed to decide the scholarships for the next year’s national festival.
Randal Metz performed his newest hand puppet show, “An Irish Tale.” This show is an adaptation of the same show he did at Fairyland with marionettes. Following a short break, which allowed members to check out the puppets, Lewis Mahlmann treated us to a workshop about script writing. Members of the audience read a script of “The Dragon of Krakow.” Lewis also spoke about the steps to writing your own scripts, and how the creative process evolves into a finished product. Discussion ensued about the sensitivity of your audience and what people have encountered.