
Virtual Show and Tell June 14th

Join us Friday, June 14th at 6:30pm Pacific for our next Open Studio Show-and-Tell! Signup now to receive the link to this virtual event.  You are welcome to present or simply join the audience and offer feedback.  Presenters may share their project (at any stage of completion) for three minutes.  […]

May Meeting Ralph Chesse, Early Children’s Television Pioneer & SF Renaissance Man Rediscovered in New Exhibition & Puppet Demo by Fred C. Reilly lll

Guild Meeting & Public Opening Program & ReceptionSaturday, May 18, 1-4:30 p.m.San Francisco Main Library, Koret Auditorium, Lower Level,  100 Larkin Street, SF Ralph Chesse, Early Children’s Television Pioneer Born of Creole heritage in New Orleans in 1900, Chessé spent the bulk of his life as a working artist in […]

Annual Puppet Fair at Fairyland

Sat., Aug 26 Fairyland, Puppet Fair 10:00-4:30 Fairyland699 Bellevue Avenue, OaklandOakland, CA Your Guild has been participating in Puppet Fair at Fairyland since 1956! Join us for this action-packed day of puppet shows, a puppet exhibit and events, provided by Fairyland. Admission: Admission to Fairyland is free to Guild members […]

Guild Event: The Joshua Show

1st Guild “Live” Event in Over 2 Years! Join us for the The Joshua Show in Napa on Sunday, May 8, at 3pm. Joshua Holden has graciously offered to meet with the Guild after the 3 pm show and do a short “backstage” tour. It’s Mother’s Day, so what better […]

January 22nd Zoom Party!

Our next Guild Event will take place Saturday, January 22nd starting at 4:45pm (PST) with a special “waiting lounge”. Log in early to enjoy a Meet-and-Greet with our special host and say hello to friends, new and old. Do you have an outfit you typically reserve for “going out” that […]

November Meeting with Swazzle

Join SFBAPG for a virtual workshop tour and puppet building demonstration with Swazzle. The puppet company Swazzle co-owners Sean and Patrick Johnson will give SFBAPG members an exclusive virtual tour of the Swazzle Puppet Studio. Participants will get an exclusive peek behind the curtain of the workshop that built puppets […]

August Online Event

Sign up Below for our August Special Event – Featuring 3 Great Topics When: Sun., Aug. 15th 4-5ish pm on Zoom. Join us for an exceptional hour combining 3 areas of interest for puppeteers an award-winning Zoom show performed by teens highlights of July’s Puppet Experiment submissions a look at the […]