News and Updates

June 2005 Newsletter

Inside this issue:
 Upcoming guild meetings
 Calendar of events
 A History of Radical Puppetry
 Mary Nagler to attend Uconn Puppet Program
 Roser students perform in New York

April 2005 Newsletter

Inside this Issue  Upcoming guild meetings  Calendar of events  Puppet shows for Elephants  National (and Guild) Day of Puppetry  Summer puppet events  Guild votes to split into 3 regional guildlettes (Appyhay Aprilay)

Japanese Puppeteer Manami Sakamoto

Guild members who attended the holiday party in January had the great privilege of seeing a performance of Otome Bunraku by Manami Sakamoto, visiting from Japan. Bunraku is perhaps the best known of the styles of puppetry from Japan. Traditionally bunraku was the realm of men performers, and each large […]

February 2005 Newsletter

Japanese Puppeteer Manami Sakamoto Guild members who attended the holiday party in January had the great privilege of seeing a performance of Otome Bunraku by Manami Sakamoto, visiting from Japan. Bunraku is perhaps the best known of the styles of puppetry from Japan. Traditionally bunraku was the realm of men […]

President’s Message:

I just came from our open board meeting on Jan 8 at the home of The Fratello marionettes. In attendance were: Pres Randal Metz, Co-pres Tim Giugni and his wife Emily, secretary Kevin Menegus, E-mail coordinator Mary Decker, and guild members: Larry Dominguez, Larry and Margie Rex, Sharon Clay, Michael […]

Next Meeting:

When: Saturday, January 22, 2005 – HOLIDAY PARTY Where: The San Leandro Community Center – 15301 Wicks Blvd – 510-577-6O81 Time: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Festivities will include a raffle, gift exchange, and entertainment by The Fratello Marionettes and Manami Sakamoto, a renowned Otome-Bunraku artist from Japan. If you […]

January 2005 Newsletter

President’s Message:, January Newsletter I just came from our open board meeting on Jan 8 at the home of The Fratellomarionettes. In attendance were: Pres Randal Metz, Co-pres Tim Giugni andhis wife Emily, secretary Kevin Menegus, E-mail coordinator Mary Decker, andguild members: Larry Dominguez, Larry and Margie Rex, Sharon Clay, […]

Next Meeting

When: Saturday, January 8, 2005 Where: The home of Kevin Menegus and Michael Burroughs. 11 Padilla Ct. Danville 925-984-34O1 Time: 4:00 pm Purpose: An open board meeting to discuss the future of The San Francisco Bay Area Puppet Guild. All are invited who are interested. The guild structure will be […]

Our Annual Holiday Party!

It will be held on Jan 22nd at the San Leandro Community Center. Multipurpose room “C”. From 6:00 to 10:00. Festivities will include a raffle, gift exchange, and entertainment by The Fratello Marionettes and a guest puppet artist from Japan. (really!) If you would like to be on the entertainment […]


Tim Giugni would love to hear from you personally about our guild. Please email him at Tim@teatrocalamari got com or phone him at (707) 9six3-8259. He will put your ideas together into a format that can be presented to the board at the January meeting. We would love to hear […]

President’s Message

Well, here it is the end of another year. It has been a very hectic and sometimes frightening one. I encourage each and all of you to attend the meeting on January 8th at Kevin Menegus’s home. We will be discussing some very important items and making decisions on them […]

December 2004 Newsletter

Next Meeting, December Newsletter When: Saturday, January 8, 2005 Where: The home of Kevin Menegus and Michael Burroughs. 11 Padilla Ct. Danville 925-984-34O1 Time: 4:00 pm Purpose: An open board meeting to discuss the future of The San Francisco Bay Area Puppet Guild. All are invited who are interested. The […]