October 2004 Newsletter:


Once again, the guild needs a newsletter editor. Carl La Rue has offered to fill in again until the position can be filled. We do have a stipend for this office. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Randal.

Why Are Our Meetings Being Held In San Leandro A Lot?,

As I have mentioned in many newsletters, the guild is only as strong as its members. We worked hard last year to bring up our numbers and offer diverse programs. I ask again now: WIll any members step forward and offer their homes, community centers or theaters as a place to hold our meetings? We need people to do workshops, shows, and hosting. San Leandro is very generous with us. We get large rooms any time we need them and at no cost to the guild. Fort Mason averages $75.00 a meeting. And yet….San Leandro is scheduled to host our annual guild holiday party in January, and the library wishes to continue its involvement with us for the “Day of Puppetry” in April. I’m open to suggestions; I very much need your support. Thanks.

August Meeting At Fairyland, October Newsletter

Fairyland held its 48th annual Puppet Fair in August. SInce its inception in 1956, the guild has been a major force: bringing puppet skills and energies to the young children who visit. You could say that the guild has been doing a “Day of Puppetry” at Fairyland for the past 48 years. That’s the good news. Here’s the bad: 3 members attended out puppet festival over 2 days. This was out August meeting also. Fairyland paid the guild $750.00 for its support of the event. Guild members Michael Burroughs, Kevin Menegus, Nick Barone, Peter Brizi, Elisheva Hart, and Tia Smirnoff represented the guild doing performances and crafts. For this effort, the guild recompensed their contributions. I wish I could say more about the day. We had grat perfomances, a fantastic display, terrific crafts, and few members. Maybe we really didn’t miss a Sept. meeting?

President’s Message, October Newsletter

I would like to offer my apologies for the mishap that we had last month. Due to a busy work schedule, difficult puppet problems, and personal mishaps, your co-presidents dropped that ball and we missed our September meeting. Sorry. As a result of all this mess, Michael Burroughs has had to resign as Co-President. His job and hectic life have left little room to do the job of President as he would like to do it. Michael is hard working, sincere, and will be greatly missed. As I have mentioned in past newsletters, I do not have the time/energy to put into this year what I have the guild last year. I signed on to do meetings every other month and will continue to do so. Tim Guigni has taken over the difficult position Michael left behind. This is Tim’s first outing into the politics of the SFBAPG and I look forward to working beside him. Michael has mentioned that he still wishes to serve the guild by working on guild sponsored projects. I look forward to his help on these matters. Good luck Mike, and thanks for all your support of our guild!