News and Updates

March 2014 Newsletter

Your March newsletter has arrived! March 2014 Newsletter Click to download, and read all about … • Spring Guild Meeting • Notes from the Holiday Party • Talking Puppets at Convolution • Gnawty P, ADMC Spokesdog • Bringing D&D Monsters to Stage • Playing Chicken with Transcendence • Lewis Mahlmann […]

January 2014 Newsletter

The January newsletter is up and can be downloaded here: 1401+SFBAPG+Newsletter In This Issue… • Co-Prez Corner • Holiday Party • Proposed By-Law Amendments • Ballot • Review: Basil Twist’s Dogugaeshi • Puppet Slam! • Call for Calendar Submissions  

November 2013 Newsletter

The November 2013 newsletter is up and may be downloaded here: 1311+SFBAPG+Newsletter In This Issue… • Autumn Guild Meeting • Membership Dues • Tiny Street Stage • Road Show • Letter from PofA • Performance Magic • From The Editor  

September 2013 Newsletter

The September 2013 newsletter may be downloaded here: 1309_SFBAPG_Newsletter In this issue: • August Meeting Review • Backstage with Jesus, Sid, and Greyson announcement • Images in Motion in a Museum • A Circle of (Puppet) Life • A Fond Farewell • Calendar • And that’s all folks!

August 2013 Newsletter

In this issue: • August Meeting Preview • Memories of SFBAPG • A Midsummer Night’s Tribute • Thank you note from Mary Nagler • News from the Puppeteers of America • historical documentary film • 30th Fraggle Rock Reunion In Toronto • Broadway Under the Stars Review • Calendar • […]

July 2013 Newsletter

The July Newsletter is up and can be downloaded here: 1307_SFBAPG_Newsletter In this issue: • New Board Members • GIFTS by The Independent Eye • Giant 4th of July Puppets • A First Marionette • Calendar • And proof of global warming (see above)…

Guild meeting minutes 4/6/13

GUILD MEETING MINUTES of April 6, 2013, at Happy Hollow Park and Zoo, San Jose, California. President Art Gruenberger reported that we are working hard to have meetings all around the Bay Area (per our name).  Board elections are due in May.  Some board members rotate off this year.  If […]

June 2013 Newsletter

The June newsletter can be downloaded here: 1306_SFBAPG_Newsletter In this issue: • Board Candidate Statements • More Memories of Jane Henson • Petaluma Art Center Puppet Class • Printing Puppets in 3D • Midsummer Puppet Slam • Calendar • And a few other bits and pieces…