News and Updates

December 2007 Newsletter

Download for viewing and printing, December 2007 Newsletter, including articles on Folkmanis puppets, using puppets in speech therapy, book review of PUPPET HEROES from Around the World, report on Halloween Follies, last meeting minutes, HOLIDAY PUPPET SHOW CALENDAR and more: Download file

October 2007 Newsletter

Download your October 2007 Newsletter with photos of Lewis Mahlmann’s 80th birthday, notice of upcoming bylaw ratification, October meeting information, Larry Schmidt’s Halloween haunt, Gale Warshawski’s article on teaching puppet use to teachers, calendar- PLEASE NOTE, YOU SHOULD ALSO DOWNLOAD THE OCTOBER 2007 NEWSLETTER SUPPLEMENT WHICH IS THE BYLAWS THAT […]

September 2007 Newsletter

Here is your September 2007 newsletter pdf to download and view or print with president’s message about new guild bylaw changes, guild trip to Avenue Q, Zen and the Art of Puppetry, Puppet Pro pages: making a demo reel, Folkmanis puppet article, calendar, classifieds, upcoming October guild meeting and more. […]

August 2007 Newsletter

Download your August 2007 newsletter with follow up on Puppet Rampage, Larry Schmidt’s Halloween soft haunt, Sharon Clay visits Center for Puppetry Arts, upcoming puppet fair at Oakland Fairyland, calendar, and more Download file

July 2007 Newsletter

Download your July 2007 guild newsletter with guild officer election results, proposed changes to the guild structure, June meeting report, review of “Rex and Boots, Super Sleuths” by Swazzle, HUGE summer show calendar, classifieds, and more: Download file

June 2007 Newsletter

Download your June 2007 newsletter here, with reviews of Herbert Lange’s and Joe Leon’s shows, notes from Mike Wick’s workshop, praise for Mike Burroughs, venues and what you can expect, Kamela Portuges featured in doll magazine, Lee Armstrong to judge puppet video contest, guild member news, calendar of events and […]

May 2007 newsletter

Your May 2007 newsletter is ready to download. Included: Upcoming guild meetings in May and June, slate of candidates for guild election and call for nominations, most unusual audience story, DVDs from local company doing well, guild library report, changing lives with puppetry, a tour of Spanish puppet center, former […]

April 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download your April 2007 Guild Newletter as a pdf file, including info on Paul Mesner’s recent performance for the guild, Sharon Clay’s 4 H group wins a prize performing, guild library up and running, discussions on a universal puppet calendar online, largest puppet exhibit in world planned, […]

March 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download your March 2007 guild newsletter with articles about U Tube, Global Puppet Festival in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Sonoma Winter Puppet Festival, Lettie Schubert Hears of Her Own Death, Paul Mesner to perform at Guild Meeting and much more: Download file