December 2015 Newsletter
December 2015 Newsletter Next Guild Meeting, last guild meeting and cabaret, Day of the Dead in Petaluma, simple puppets in the classroom, Independent Eye update and more!
December 2015 Newsletter Next Guild Meeting, last guild meeting and cabaret, Day of the Dead in Petaluma, simple puppets in the classroom, Independent Eye update and more!
November 2015 Newsletter Next Guild Meeting, Shadow Puppet Retreat, Bread and Puppet Reviews, Puppeteer Heroes, what are Guild Members Up To and More!
October 2015 Newsletter Reports on Fairyland Day of Puppets and the National Festival, tips for working with puppets and kids, the guild shadow puppet retreat, Puppet Ruckus, Bread and Puppet, Exhibits and more!
Greetings Puppet Guilders! At the recent meeting at Children’s Fairyland, we described a Shadow puppet Sleepover at Westminster Woods! Your Program Planning Committee has been scurrying around to put it all together, and IT’S A GO!! Now all we need is you! Please respond ASAP to Mary Nagler (, Call or Text (707 303 […]
September 2015 NEWSLETTER-1 we have reviews of the Day of Puppets at Fairyland, National Festival, Books, DVDs, upcoming events, president’s message and a wonderful gallery of images. Take some time and enjoy!
August 2015 Newsletter Next meeting (Aug. 29), summer reads, summer fair follow up, summer festival report (first one!) Performance and job opportunities, new How-To DVD in Guild library, Calendar!
July 2015 NEWSLETTER Your new board looks to the future, new guild officers announced, upcoming guild events, report on Puppetry in TV workshop, Nick Barone Scholarship, tips and bits, calendar, scholarships and more.
June 2015 NEWSLETTER Elections results, Happy Hollow Show Reviews, interview with Joe Leon of Caterpillar Puppets, mini review of “Canterbury: Miller’s Tale,” opening of “I am Big Bird,” photo essay on San Diego Guild of Puppetry’s 21 Day Puppet Festival, Calendar and more.
May Newsletter 2015 Elections for guild board, next guild meeting at Happy Hollow on May 17, puppets and video workshop, classes, review of Puppet Ruckus, Ballot, dues going up?, opening of Canterbury: The Miller’s Tale and more
April 2015 Newsletter Inside this issue: Elections for guild board, next guild meeting at Happy Hollow on May 17, review of “King Lear,” review of “The Middle of Everywhere,” “What Lives Inside,” a history of silhouettes, Calendar, photos from Nick Barone’s Memorial and more
March Newsletter 2015 Next Guild Meeting March 28 Nick Barone Memorial Scholarships, Elections, Member updates, Foam Workshop Review, Greek Shadow Show Review, and More!
February Newsletter 2015 Next Guild Event Feb. 15 Nick Barone Memorial Classes, workshops, scholarship opportunities and more Reviews, books and shows Coming soon, King Lear, and much more!
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January Newsletter 2015 Including Next Guild Meeting, Nick Barone remembrances
October Newsletter 2014