News and Updates

Shirt Order

The guild is offering SFBAPG Vinyl Shirts with the single color version of the guild logo. Complete the order form below to order one, and pay $15 via Paypal. These shirts are being made by the Arnold Family’s Mommyhood Notions. The shirts are available in three different color options for […]

Shadow puppet Sleepover at Westminster Woods!

Greetings Puppet Guilders!  At the recent meeting at Children’s Fairyland, we described a Shadow puppet Sleepover at Westminster Woods! Your Program Planning Committee has been scurrying around to put it all together, and IT’S A GO!! Now all we need is you! Please respond ASAP to Mary Nagler (,  Call or Text (707 303 […]

June 2015 Newsletter

June 2015 NEWSLETTER Elections results, Happy Hollow Show Reviews, interview with Joe Leon of Caterpillar Puppets, mini review of “Canterbury: Miller’s Tale,” opening of “I am Big Bird,” photo essay on San Diego Guild of Puppetry’s 21 Day Puppet Festival, Calendar and more.