
All are welcome: professional performers, teachers, therapists, hobbyists, librarians, builders & sculptors, as well as puppet aficionados of all ages.

Our membership increasingly reflects the amazing diversity of American puppetry today, from traditional children’s shows to the far reaches of theatrical experiment.

Member benefits include:

  • Monthly newsletter, with calendar events, articles and reviews.
  • Quarterly meetings, including workshops, performances, discussion and socializing.
  • Our email listserv, a resource for finding events, seeking advice, and general interchange.
  • Listing in our “Services Offered” roster if you offer puppet-related services and in our Events Calendar if you’re performing.
  • The Guild Library of books and videos for borrowing.
  • Eligibility for scholarships to regional and national festivals. Click here for Scholarship Guidelines.
  • Group discounts to shows and events.

Dues are only $25 per person, $30 for a family, $20 for seniors, $15 for under-18.  Click here to join.