Festival Performers Application

Festival Show Performer Application

Performer Information


Show Details

Type of Show
In order to help us understand your show/style/quality.

Maximum file size: 516MB

Please provide links that will help us get a better sense of your work.


(Please note if you can set up ahead and move into position.)
Will you need help with set up?

Slam Logistics

Slam acts should be short (2-10 minutes) and for an adult audience. They need to be able to share a stage with other acts which means on and off quickly and easily. Some tech will be available but tech requirements need to fit the ‘quick on and off’ criteria. They will need to be able to play to an audience of 100-120 persons.
(Please note if you can set up ahead and move into position.)

About the Venue(s)

Andrews Hall

Primary Venue Andrews Hall in the Sonoma Community Center

This is a classic proscenium theater, with raised stage, main floor and balcony. Andrews Hall seats 120 people as an auditorium with 30 balcony seats. Andrews Hall is equipped with a state of the art Audio/Video system and has an advanced theatrical lighting system. 

Stage Plan Diagram

Andrews Hall Drawing
  • Stage 24 deep x 31’ wide, arch 19’ wide, 16’ high
  • Proscenium width 19’
  • Depth in front of curtain: 4’
  • The distance from the hall floor to the bottom of the stage is 3’
  • Risers are 4’ deep and can cover the width of the stage in front of the proscenium, which extends the performing area by 4’, so using risers, the performing area can be 8’ deep in front of the curtain. Risers can be set up or taken down in about 20-30 minutes
  • Curtain opens in middle and pulls manually from stage L side.
  • There are 4 black legs on each side, each 4’ wide, on travelers. They are usually employed as wings for entrances but can be moved towards the center.  
  • There’s a full white cyc which doesn’t move. The 2 full black back curtains are on a track, so back of stage can be black or white (with a 3 window top cyc) or white in middle, black on sides.

For other details about the space please see https://sonomacommunitycenter.org/rentals/andrews-hall-rental/

There are several other venue possibilities if warranted.