Sat., May 23 4-5:30
4-4:30 Guild Social BYOB & Puppet (optional). Zoom in to say hello, meet puppeteering friends and welcome people who are new to the Guild. We’ll go around the Zoom Room, then have a brief Guild meeting & announce our newly-elected Board members.
4:30-5:30 Virtual Video for Puppeteers
Our two Guild media experts, John Arnold and Gabriel Galdamez will cover the A, B, C’s of virtual video and how it can be applied to a puppeteer’s work in the Covid era. You are also welcome to share your own experiences and expertise.
John and Gabriel will cover the 3 different flavors of virtual productions or presence.
1. Live interactions like Zoom, Hangouts, Webex, and Skype.
2. Live broadcast, such as Youtube Live, Facebook Live & Instagram Live. The broadcast is one-way video with chat and feedback features.
3. More traditionally produced videos, which are then posted to Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, Daily Motion etc.
Then they will dive into tips on setting up a home studio using a variety of devices for a camera and a video monitor, multiple cameras, green screen, adding text etc. A quick overview of puppet manipulation, then explore virtual backdrops, simple backgrounds and basic lighting and sound. There’ll also be a handout available with useful info.
John Arnold is a father of three, a professional Santa for the last 5 years, and prop-builder and performer for community theaters in the East Bay. John has been working in IT and has been a webmaster for a variety of organizations for the last 25 years. As a life time lover of puppetry he has been building puppets for the last 8 years. More information can be found on and
Gabriel Galdamez has been actively involved in puppetry and performing arts for the last 20 years, not including when he staged puppet shows from his bunk bed in his younger years. He is passionate about sharing his love of the arts with anyone who’s willing to learn. He is a frequent speaker at the regional, national and international level for puppetry and creative ministry conferences. Outside of the arts, Gabriel enjoys trying new foods, animated films, and challenging himself physically, including training on the flying trapeze!
If you’d like to attend, please RSVP ASAP, but before Friday 05/22 at noon to Signup Genius participants will receive a Zoom invitation. This is also open to non-Guild members. However, if you’d like to become a Guild member (which gives you great benefits, including a monthly newsletter) join at
People can also view the program part of the meeting (5-6 pm) via Facebook Live. Links and details will be posted on
We have many Guild members who are doing interesting work. If you’d like to participate in a “show & tell” during the meeting (or pre/post depending on time) that features your puppetry on the virtual stage (2 minutes or less, or the 1st minute or 2 of a longer piece) please email a Lee Armstrong, by 05/18.
Until we meet again, physically, this is a great opportunity to e-get-together. Please spread the word to those friends, teachers, librarians, youth group leaders, teens that have an interest in puppets!