
July 2006 Newsletter

Download your July 2006 newsletter here including -follow-up on Lettie Schubert Memorial (quotes, photos, thank yous) New Guild Board Election Results, new president’s message, Mary Nagler scholarship, calendar for July and August, Guild event for August: Download file

June 2006 Newsletter

Download your June 2006 Newsletter here, including Fairyland award, Images in Motion award, Lettie Schubert Memorial, French Festival Report, part 1, Guild Election Slate, Animatronic Characters on film, Editorial: Iranian Puppeteers: Download file

February 2006 Newsletter Part 2 of 2

Here is PART 2 of your February 2006 Guild Newsletter in pdf format for downloading for viewing or printing. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MONTH THE NEWSLETTER IS IN 2 PARTS AND YOU MUST DOWNLOAD BOTH TO GET THE WHOLE NEWSLETTER. Part 1 is downloadable from a separate link- Download file

January 2006

Much Ado About Puppets Registration Form, January Newsletter Guild members who receive the January newsletter through the mail got an inserted registration form for our Regional Puppet Festival, Much Ado About Puppets. To download a pdf version of the registration form you can click on this link (or if the […]

December 2005 Newsletter Fixes

If you already downloaded your December newsletter and only got five pages, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD PAGES 6 & 7 HERE. The link to download the whole newsletter, elsewhere on this website, now includes pages 1 through 7 and is complete, should you wish the complete newsletter as one file. DOWNLOAD […]