What is a Puppet Experiment?

What is the Puppet Experiment?

The PuppetExperiment is an online-shared-studio where you post/submit your work-in-progress puppet with a theme of the season, and share feedback with other people. It is a program to help us develop our inspirations and early ideas; experiment how our ideas can evolve.

This is not a traditional contest to compete with a finished project, but a virtual studio to share your artistic development with other puppet friends. Any work-in-progress sketches and early ideas are welcome, so other people can see your inspiration and share advice. 

How long is a Puppet Experiment?

The PuppetExperiment is designed to be a quick short Experiment. You do not have to spend days or weeks presenting your concept. You can also submit multiple stages of your progress, as your project proceeds, like weekly updates

The Experiments themselves are designed to run for less than 30 days.. 

Who can Participate?

The PuppetExperiment is Open to World: With the Theme of the season, you can submit your work-in-progress project at your own pace, observe other participants’ submission and comment through SNS. This project is open to anyone, anywhere! 

How do I participate?

Share your project, ideas, etc to social media:

Submission: Sketch, photo, mockup, painting, song, music, scene, performance… Your project can be in any form of puppetry. Video submissions would be recommended around less than 10 minutes in length. Feel free to share your experiment in Facebook and Instagram Stories, but due to the temporary nature of stories, to be included, share as a post with appropriate tags.

We appreciate artists’ finished paintings, yet sometimes early sketches are very inspiring. Presenting sketches is also an inspiring skill to communicate your ideas with others. And we would like this program to be a shared studio with an experimental mind. Feel free to take your risk and play, get out of your comfort zone, and if your project did not complete, that is also no problem at all! The important part is to spark your inspiration. 

Current Theme/Experiment

Our program team is planning 2-4 PuppetExperiments a year. Check our our latest theme.


If you have questions or submissions, contact us  puppetexp@sfbapg.org