Puppet Experiment – Extended

Puppet Experiment is extended!

The Theme of July and August: Found Materials from your Natural Environment

The world has collapsed, and you managed to survive as an urban Robinson Crusoe. And now, you need to create your puppet project! You have to “hunt” your puppet materials in nature; wild nature, urban nature, your kitchen, storage, recycling bin…Don’t buy anything, and see what you have!  What physical and mental materials do you find, and how do you make this puppet project? 

What is the Puppet Experiment?

See our information page here.

When is the Experiment?

Submission is OPEN : July 1st to August 10th!

The PuppetExperiment is designed to be a quick short Experiment. You do not have to spend days or weeks presenting your concept. You can also submit multiple stages of your progress, as your project proceeds, like weekly updates. 

How do I participate?

Share your project, ideas, etc to social media: