Guild meeting minutes 4/6/13

GUILD MEETING MINUTES of April 6, 2013, at Happy Hollow Park and Zoo, San Jose, California.

President Art Gruenberger reported that we are working hard to have meetings all around the Bay Area (per our name).  Board elections are due in May.  Some board members rotate off this year.  If members want to be on the Board, email Art at    <>

Treasurer Mary Nagler reported that the Guild’s total assets equal $7,680.40, of which $1,524.81 is earmarked for scholarships.  She wants to stand down from the scholarship committee so she will be eligible to apply herself for assistance.  Please let the Board know if you want this position.  Basically you review the scholarship applications.  Contact Art by email for qualifications to apply for assistance to attend puppet related workshops.

Jesse Vail, head of the program committee, reported that our next Guild meeting is at Children’s Fairyland in Oakland, Saturday, August 24th.  The newsletter will list all future dates at the beginning of the year, even if what [program], where, and times have not yet been decided.

Those involved at Happy Hollow’s Day of Puppets numbered about 30, including staff.  About 20 of the 30 are puppeteers.

End of SFBAPG meeting notes, taken by Elisheva Hart, acting secretary.