SFBAPG Meeting of 20 Aug. 2011
Location: Fairyland
Prior to meeting, Michael Nelson announced membership dues are now payable and forms are available. He also stated that he has Gala tickets as well.
Meeting called to order by Jesse at 5:35 PM.
Randal talked about the Fairyland event for tonight – the “sleep over” (not for us but for the public). He listed the schedule for dinner and the performance that he would be giving at 8:00 PM.
Randal also stated that Lewis Mahlmann has been in the hospital for the past month and is now home with nursing care. He is celebrating his 84th birthday in Sept.
Michael Nelson – Treasurer Report
We have $7,223.87 in the treasury, with $1405.25 designated for scholarships.
$2,000 has been designated for the Gala. Membership year is Sept. 1 – August 31.
He has envelopes and membership forms available for those who wish to pay their dues tonight.
Tickets for the Gala (our 50th Anniversary) are also available. This will be 24 Sept. 2011. Ticket prices are $25.00 for members (past or present), and $35 for non-members. This will include a wonderful catered dinner and fabulous entertainment. Entertainment will include the Oregon Shadow Puppets w/Thumbilina, and Bob Hartman – who is the puppeteers’ Puppeteer.
Michael – Gala Committee Chair
Listed need for volunteers:
C Volunteer Coordinator
C Hospitality Committee (People who will welcome guests and orient them to facility)
C Bartender
C Cleanup Committee
C Memorabilia Chair (items to sell)
C Memorabilia to display – contact Randal
Newsletter: Talib requested articles for the newsletter
Membership: New members/guests were introduced: Gabriella and Yvonne
Valerie and Michael had just seen “Stuffed and Unstrung” in San Francisco and presented their review – They loved it!. They described how the show is done to involved the audience yet still allow a “puppet performance” environment. They do recommend it as an “adult” entertainment.
Ernie Fosselius brought his collection of Mechanical Marvels and delighted us with their operation. Daniel Krakauer showed how he has created another mechanical puppet using cogs and wheels.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM for dinner at the train station.
Submitted by: Sharon Clay, Secretary