SBAPG Guild Meet 8/25/07

Held at Children’s Fairyland in Oakland.

The meeting was called to order by President Michael Nelson at

4:48 PM.  Members present: 20

Minutes of previous meeting – not available

Treasurer’s report by Valerie Nelson: Current Balance: $5526.22 as of 8/25/07

This is the time to renew our membership and pay dues: $20 per person

$15.00 for seniors and $25 per couple. Valerie will accept dues payments today.

New Members: Toshiko Covello, David Morley, Emily Butterfly

Committee Reports:

Mary Decker – Procedures:   She is working on the By-Laws

Lee Armstrong – Library: Soon there will be a DVD section of the library, and

donations will be welcomed.  Lee stated that if someone wants a DVD or book

prior to a meeting, let Lee know and she will bring items to the meeting.  Question as to what is actually in the library?  She will bring the library so people can check out what is there.  Potential to have the library listings on the web site in the future.

Old Business – None

New Business:

All members and guests introduced themselves and stated their puppetry interest.

Michael proposed to change the Guild structure from the current structure to a 9

member board.  3 members would retire every year.  Only a max of 3 new board     members would be elected each year.

Motion: Conrad moved that the current officers put together a transition plan and propose a slate of officers to be elected by the membership.  Seconded by Valerie.

Discussion followed particularly suggesting that the current officers be part of the new board

and that the current officers be asked to stay on for at least one more year, which would put them

as the 2 or 3 year member of the new board.  Possibly the chairs of the committees could also be

asked to be part of the board, making their chairmanships as responsibility of board members who would be elected in the future.  This was not voted on as a part of the previous motion, but

just used as a suggestion.

The motion was passed with 1 abstention.

Meeting adjourned:5:38 PM.  Followed by a Pot Luck

Sharon Clay, Secretary