Meeting of January 30, 2010 – Christ Presbyterian Church, San Rafael

Conrad Bishop called meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Approximately 65 members and guests were present. Congregation was invited to attend
performances, which followed, so many guests with children were present.
Guests were invited to stand an introduce themselves.
Valerie Nelson thanked everyone who arrived early to set up and decorate tables.
Lee Armstrong – Announced that the Library Table was available for review and for people who
had been members for more than 6 months to check out material. She also noted that she
brought extra Puppeteers of America Journals, that are available for free.
Mary Decker – reported that scholarships are available and that the Northwest Festival is
upcoming in Seattle. Conrad added that the Southwest region also has scholarships
Barbara Grillo – stated that the March meeting will be on March 13th and will be at Contra
Costa College. This is the location for the Puppetry in Education day for early childhood
educators. She is looking for people to do workshops and performances. If members can
do either of these, please let her know.
Randal Metz – has several CD sent to him by Bruce Sedley for distribution to members who
would like one. These document Bruce’s visit to Fairyland last year. Bruce was a
performer in Fairyland and on Channel 2, many years ago.
Michael Nelson – Membership Officer – Discussed the revised website. Members are invited to
let Michael know what services that they have that they would like posted with their
names on the website
The Sicilian Puppet Theater is coming in April. He is trying to negotiate for discount
tickets for Guild members..
Members: Please take a new roster and check your name off the list, so we know who
took a roster. This will save mailing costs.
Conrad – Added further discussion of the revised web site -What is on it, and why it is valuable
as a tool for Guild members.
Official meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M. for the following program:
Randal McGee & Groark – who was a delightful M.C. and provided an entertaining “Night
Before Christmas”
Puppet Art Theater Company – with Art Grueneberger and Rachel Malin
Michael Nelson
Eli Nash
Ernie Fosselius
David Krakauer
Brian Narelle and Warren Peace.