August Meeting at Fairyland

Fairyland held its 48th annual Puppet Fair in August. SInce its inception in 1956, the guild has been a major force: bringing puppet skills and energies to the young children who visit. You could say that the guild has been doing a “Day of Puppetry” at Fairyland for the past 48 years. That’s the good news.
Here’s the bad: 3 members attended out puppet festival over 2 days. This was out August meeting also. Fairyland paid the guild $750.00 for its support of the event. Guild members Michael Burroughs, Kevin Menegus, Nick Barone, Peter Brizi, Elisheva Hart, and Tia Smirnoff represented the guild doing performances and crafts. For this effort, the guild recompensed their contributions. I wish I could say more about the day. We had grat perfomances, a fantastic display, terrific crafts, and few members. Maybe we really didn’t miss a Sept. meeting?